Paintings so far...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

5" Two feet

Okay, I finished this but unfortunately not in time to get into the CAG show! Oh well, next time!

If you want to see the show though just follow the link
There is an opportunity to vote for your favourite painting and many of the paintings are for sale! :)

This is something I started with the intention of entering it into the CAG (Canine Art Guild) online show to celebrate their 5th anniversary. However, the deadline was today, and I didn't finish. Here is what we have so far... two puppy feet WIP (Work In Progress).

Saturday, March 6, 2010

New Series - My life in your hands #1

Have worked a bit more on this today - still a lot to do though. The hands are going to be a challenge - one that I'm up to, but not really looking forward to it. This is when the paintings starts to get down to the fiddly details which I don't particularly enjoy. However, it takes patience and concentration, and it is meant to be therapeutic so I can't really complain.

I am starting a new series while I am waiting for my next commissions. The series is called "My life in your hands". It is meant to depict the faces of some of the SAD dogs as they are either taken out on trial or adopted and in some cases the SAD dogs in the situations that we find them. Some of the dogs are totally happy to go with the new people - others show are more cautious. It is a question of personality and how much trust the dogs have in humankind. In some cases the dogs show a face of fear, but resignation as they can do nothing about their situation, they are totally dependant on us but they have no way of knowing if what the future holds for them is something good or something terrible - we have their lives in our hands and that is what I want to show.

This is oil on canvas and a little bigger than I usually do for the one-a-weeks, but I needed the space. It has been a while since i have done human subjects.

When finished this will be for sale at 1000dhs unframed and the proceeds will go to the Strays of Abu Dhabi